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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago

What kinds of resources do we need about making or building Teen Library Spaces?


Teen Tech

The following is a proposed list of components for a public library Teen Space in April 2008. "...our goal is to give our youth a chance to keep up with current technology since they have limited exposure to it in school and many, many of our residents do not have access at home."


What suggestions, additions, substitutions, do you have? Please put changes in italics, so we all know what the original list of components was. Thanks!


HP Workstation xw4550 - Second-Generation Opteron 1216 2.4 GHz. 1309622, RB423UT#ABA

2 at $938.64 each, total $1,877.28


HP Smart Buy L2208w 22" LCD Display, 1421583, GX007A8#ABA

2 at $269.32, total $538.64


Canon CanoScan 8800F - flatbed scanner, 1288846, 2168B002

1 at $199.99, total $199.99


Canon PowerShot A580 - digital camera, 1391712, 2463B001

1 at $149.99, total $149.99


CANON DC320 DVD CAMCORDER, 1379740, 2691B001

1 at $369.99, total $369.99


Canon ZR950 - camcorder - Mini DV, 1379731, 2485B001

1 at $289.27, total $289.27


Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection - license, 1255014, 54021382ES

1 at $738.14, total $738.14


Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection - media, 1255006, 29280016DE

1 at $26.92, total $26.92


Sony DMR 30H1 - DVD-R (8cm) x 1 - 1.4 GB - storage media, 656415, DMR30H1-30PK

1 at $82.78, total $82.78


SanDisk flash memory card - 8 GB - microSDHC, 1335621, SDSDQR-8192-A11M

2 at $81.79, total $163.58




Homework-only Computers

Word processing-only computers? Or computers that are designated as "homework" and you kick off teens who are doing something other than homework?


Internet - Filtered or Unfiltered?

What are folks actually doing in their libraries? Do you have filters you can turn off? A NetNanny system that let's you watch what they're doing on their screens?


Do you face the computer screens so you can see them, or away from you so teens have privacy?




Computer Reservation System

Do you limit the amount of time patrons can use computers? What system do you use?





Video game rocker chairs

Restaurant booths

Sauder Manufacturing Plylock 3 position chairs







Teen Fiction

Adult Fiction for Teens

Nonfiction (fun stuff as well as homework items? Or just fun stuff?)


Graphic Novels

Comic Books


Video Games




Food supplies

coffee maker

reusable cups, plates, silverware that is hip-enough that your staff knows it belongs in teen

soda machine where teen programs get the earnings



Interesting Teen Spaces or sites


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